Pregnancy Pathway

Have you read the Preg­nan­cy Path­way series on the DTP Blog? Start here and fol­low the blog through the fac­tors that influ­ence a healthy preg­nan­cy, birth and recov­ery before, dur­ing and after preg­nan­cy. The series was writ­ten and edit­ed over the course of a year, with more than a dozen entries. It dis­cuss­es most of the con­cerns and ques­tions — from how does my pre-preg­nan­cy health affect my baby? to how soon after birth should I become active? — that we have encoun­tered in 34 years of work­ing with the pre/postnatal pop­u­la­tion. The flow of top­ics runs chrono­log­i­cal­ly (see below). But go to the path­way to see the full blown and col­or­ful algo­rithm!!
