
Research Updates (click on headings below to read research updates)

In 2011, we began post­ing research updates on the Danc­ing Thru Preg­nan­cy Face­book page. We rec­om­mend you fol­low this page to find out about the lat­est research when it comes out through health care feeds that we sub­scribe to. Dis­cus­sion about some find­ings can be viewed on our DTP Blog.

Body Trust: Excerpts from Mid­wife Robyn’s The­sis

Recent Research Updates (preg­nan­cy fit­ness safe­ty; risk reduc­tion for cesare­an, ges­ta­tion­al dia­betes and preeclamp­sia; yoga in preg­nan­cy; exer­cise effect on qual­i­ty of life and mood dur­ing preg­nan­cy)

Research Update on Immune Func­tion 2010

Research Updates 2006–2010 (mater­nal and fetal respons­es to exer­cise; post­par­tum phys­i­ol­o­gy)

Research Updates 2001–2005 (impact of mater­nal aer­o­bic fit­ness on fetal oxy­gen and long-term off­spring health; improved tol­er­ance for labor; impact on breast­feed­ing)

These research updates include abstracts and dis­cus­sion of find­ings on the impact of exer­cise on preg­nan­cy, birth and moth­er­hood; mater­nal and fetal adap­ta­tions to exer­cise; infor­ma­tion on immune func­tion in preg­nan­cy; and, which com­po­nents of exer­cise pro­duce ben­e­fits.  They are includ­ed as part of the addi­tion­al read­ing for the Basic Teacher Train­ing Course, and are referred to in the work­book.


Pregnancy and Exercise…each one is a complex phenomenon.

Tak­en togeth­er, they may con­sti­tute the most com­pli­cat­ed inter­ac­tion in human phys­i­ol­o­gy! The impact of exer­cise before con­cep­tion, dur­ing preg­nan­cy and in the post­par­tum peri­od is pos­i­tive for both mom and baby in the short term and long term.

Updates in Real Time via Twitter:

There are now three new ways to stay up with the lat­est research find­ings:

As we learn which geno­types are more sus­cep­ti­ble to dis­or­ders such as preeclamp­sia or ges­ta­tion­al dia­betes, we are also learn­ing how exer­cise reduces the risk for actu­al­ly devel­op­ing such dis­or­ders. A new area of research is how preg­nan­cy exer­cise con­tributes to the pre­ven­tion of child­hood obe­si­ty…check this DTP Blog post:

Here’s the map of how exer­cise affects preg­nan­cy metab­o­lism:   Pg Exer­cise Map

Researchers and oth­er read­ers are invit­ed to help us in this endeav­or by bring­ing recent find­ings to our atten­tion. Those wish­ing to sug­gest arti­cles for inclu­sion in the Research Updates should send infor­ma­tion to
